Thursday 29 July 2010

the snow it melts the soonest when, the wind begins to sing.

Last weekend my dad showed me all his old camera stuff. It was really interesting and made me want to have a go at photography. my dad gave me his camera as said i could have a go with it. I found some pictures on the camera from Isle of Wight when it snowed LOADS and virtually the whole country came to a stand still. My dad took them i think they're lovely.

wake up your tired eyes, the world is waiting for you.

Im bored today so i thought i'd photograph my lithographs i did in fine art.

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Love, was made for me and you.

spread the love.


Because i can.

oh and i love you Katy Rose.i wanna live before i die, so don't say i have to cry on one more freezing floor, i ask you to open the door and see. how things could've gone, the reason that it took so long before you could figure out, that for so long i was about to break.

Monday 19 July 2010

Want you to be crazy cos your boring baby when your straight.

Jack Nicholson being my favourite actor, i watched One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest last night. Not having read the book i didnt knwo what to expect but i thought it was amazing. Jack seems to carry the whole weight of any film hes in and hes like a tornado on screen.

Been listening to The Kills alot lately. Just had to show my appreciation to Alison Mosshart. Ms Mosshart, you are a total babe!

Wednesday 14 July 2010

The way i walk is just the way i walk.

So i had double textiles today and we are currently building up and working on our research for our chosen era (mines Victorian). So we have to do lots of responses to artists work and any images we like. These mainly consist of accetate and tracing paper drawings. I wanted to focus more on the Gothic literature in the victorian era so i am looking at literary characters. Here is Dracula, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and Sweeney Todd.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

wonder if he'll ever know, he's in the best selling show.

Here is a song that i wrote, which is really scary putting it up here, but if i dont do it now i never will.


Ocean of angels, ocean of stars. Down by the sea is where you drown your scars.

Bought 3 cd's today. The complete Stone Roses, The Cramps- Off the Bone, and Celebrity Skin- Hole (hence the post title.)The Cramps are awesome, i love their weirdness.
They are a cross between, Monster Mash and old Frankenstein movies, so im in heaven.

At the weekend i was talking to my mum about my textiles and she leapt out her seat and came back holding 3 photo albums and a whole box of old photos and postcards from our family. I loved them SO MUCH i had to scan them here and share them with you as they are utterly beautiful. I always love the sepia and black and white tones in old photos. Opening the box of photos was like stepping back in time and made me smile seeing people who i was related to.

I had to post this stunning photo shoot with Courtney Love.
